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How to find Bonito Hollow RV Park

Best Route From Roswell
Take Hwy 70 to Hwy 380 and go to Capitan, then go south on Hwy 48 to the junction of
Hwy 48 and Hwy 37.  Go 1 1/4 miles on Hwy 37.  We are the 2nd RV Park on the left.

Best Route From El Paso
Take Hwy 70 to Hwy 48.  Then Hwy 48 through Ruidoso to Hwy 37. Go 1 1/4 miles on Hwy 37.
We are the 2nd RV Park on the left.

Best Route From Albuquerque
From Albuquerque take I-25 South to Hwy 380.  Go East through Carrizozo then south on Hwy 37 for 12 miles.  Park is on the right, 100 yards past the turn to Bonito Lake.

(575) 336-4325